Developer Center

Developer Center

Resources for developers, contractors, engineers and property owners seeking wastewater connections within the MRRSA’s service territory. Please don’t hesitate to contact the MRRSA if you have any questions on what is required for your particular project.

Next MRRSA Meeting

Oct 16, 2024


Single-Family Residential

This application is required for a proposed connection of one (1) single-family residential unit.


This application is required for any proposed connection(s) that involve(s) something other than one (1)

Direct Connection

This application is required in addition to the “Commercial/Multi-Residential Application” if a direct connection to the MRRSA’s infrastructure is proposed.

Supporting Documentation

Rules & Regulations

MRRSA provides the entire Rules and Regulations governing the use of MRRSA facilities and the discharge of sewage and insdustrial waste therein in a downloadable PDF document.

Fee Schedule

The downloadable Fee Schedule PDF document covers the schedule of user charges for MRRSA. Download the document for the most up-to-date fee schedule that is available from the authority.

U.S. EPA Waiver Application

USEPA Waiver Checklist

The USEPA provides a checklist for all applicants wishing to file a Waiver Application. This checklist, along with all supporting information, is required to be filed at the time of application with the Authority.

USEPA Sample Package

MRRSA has compiled a sample package which includes the necessary documentation required for a complete EPA Environmental Review package. You may use this as a reference when building your own EPA Environmental Review package.